The Great Australian Petfood Co. and BOOMER Working Dog Food recently attended as major sponsors the inaugural National Working Cattle Dog Futurity at White Park in Scone NSW. The weekend was a great success with the heat of the Open conducted on the Friday followed up on the Saturday with the trial demonstration, open final and the auction. There were 21 young dogs put through the auction with an average sale price of $3200, below are the 4 highest selling dogs through the auction;
- Glenfaba Wilga $5800 sold by Ben Crowe
- Macelbri Clip $5600 sold by Henry MacDougall
- Backenbark Shep $5600 sold by Ian Stringer
- Capree Tighe $5500 sold by Chris Stapleton
All 21 dogs that were sold through the auction will be eligible to compete in the 2012 National Working Cattle Dog Futurity with a prize purse of over $15,000. The Great Australian Pet food Co. and BOOMER Working Dog food is pleased to be supporting events such as this and would like to thank all of the dedicated people who were behind the organisation of the event. Here are some fantastic action shots taken by Diane Perry.